Honeybush - EN

What is Honeybush tea?

Honeybush is a plant relative of the well-known rooibos. It is cultivated in Southern Africa and processed in a similar way. It is obtained only from plants that grow wild. It got its name thanks to its intoxicating honey aroma.

Honeybush Tea and Its Effects

Honeybush tea has very favourable effects on the human organism. It works against allergies and sleep disorders, contains a lot of important vitamins and minerals. It helps with digestive problems. It gives you an appetite for food. Because it does not contain caffeine (called theine in tea) it is suitable for all age categories and can be drunk without limitation.

How is Honeybush tea prepared?

Preparing Honeybush tea is very simple. It is enough to take one teaspoon, pour on hot water, let it steep for five minutes and the drink is ready. You can enjoy the tea every day, or alternate it with rooibos.